Archon 41
For those of you attending Archon 41 in Collinsville, I’ll be on several panels. Check ’em out!
What If?: Superpowers
Friday 19:00 – 19:50, Salon 4 (Gateway Center)
Come prepared to answer the following question: if you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
With Paul Hahn, Dev Hanke, and Matthew Edward Munro Wagenblas
Autographs with Sarah Jude and Brian Katcher
Saturday 12:00 – 12:30, Signing Table (Gateway Center)
The Mystery of H.P. Lovecraft
Saturday 15:00 – 15:50, Marquette B (Gateway Center)
Why do so many fans read and enjoy H. P. Lovecraft while others find faults in his writing?
I’m moderating this one!
With Benjamin C. Kinney, John Jacobs, and Shawntelle Madison
Sex and Controversy in Young Adult Literature
Saturday 18:00 – 18:50, Marquette B (Gateway Center)
A discussion of how YA uses sex and controversy to meet the needs of teens. What are the limits? Should there be limits?
With Cole Gibson, Rachel Neumeier, David VonAllmen, and Tom Carpenter
Editing: Behind the Scenes
Sunday 13:00 – 13:50, Marquette A (Gateway Center)
A chance for new authors to understand what happens to stories after they’re submitted.
With Benjamin C. Kinney, Adrian Matthews, Rich Horton